About Us
We are passionate about the work we do with over 30 years in the Aluminium industry alongside a team that takes any project on with pride
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We Are The Leading Aluminium Windows and Doors Manufacturers In Namibia
Allers Aluminium has been in Namibia for over 30 years. Most of the craftsmen and designers we employ have been with us from the beginning, which accounts for the fine blend of tradition and modern technology in their design and final product. Innovation is vital in an environment where new architectural designs, new building materials and new interior decorating techniques are constantly being tested, implemented and improved upon. This means that a specialist like Allers Aluminium cannot afford to stagnate with old designs and old materials. Without a client, there are no doors or windows. Allers Aluminium treasures its clients, ensuring that service to the client is a priority of the firm. We go to extra-ordinary lengths in order to ensure that the final product exactly corresponds with the client’s requirements. Every door and window constructed by Allers Aluminium is fitted and glazed in-house, to ensure that the product is used to the best advantage of the building or home. Allers Aluminium also offers service agreements on all of our installed products to give our clients peace of mind for the future. Aluminium products almost always represent the “face” of a building and make up a vital part of the entire end-product. They should therefore be treated with the care they deserve to keep them working without problems.

Director of Allers Aluminium
Ready to Bring Bigger, Better, and Stronger
Projects Than Ever Before!!
30 year experience
With over 30 years of experience in the field of industrial manufacturing, we guarantee the best quality and product
Skilled team
With a professional, highly skilled team in manufacturing Aluminium and Glass Products that has been with us for years
Safety is top priority
For us, safety is a top priority with modern machinery and safety facilities.
large scale
We take on any small to large scale projects with custom made Aluminium and Glass based on your project to bring your dream to reality
Looking for a reliable &
stable partner?
We seek for cooperation in various areas in order to achieve the purpose of diversifying and expanding our company’s operating fields. Get in touch if you would like to partner with us
Let's Grow With
Allers Aluminium
We are an integrated engineering company composed of a group of agile and experienced engineers skilled in different business areas. Ut purus est, maximus sit amet porttitor id, bibendum a ante. Suspendisse erat erat, maximus eget venenatis nec